Title: What you want to doWhat:
What is it?
What will the product be?
Why: Why do you want to do it?
What’s wrong with things the way they are today, and what will be better tomorrow?
How: How will you do it?
Who: Who is involved?
Who: will benefit from it?
When: When will you begin?
When: will you be done?
What: are the significant milestones along the way?
How Much: What resources do you need?
Then What?
In a cruel world like ours, where bombs, weapons, and tanks seems to be the only way to communicate, I taught it would be nice to leave a white mark in every troubled soul, in every lost spirit, in every heartbroken human- being. Living in a heartless society, we always run for that cute corner of love where we are accepted and admired. For all these reasons I imagined a space where we can talk about love, where we can dream, where we can feel secure. And this how came the idea of doing my blog in titled “All about love.” I don’t know how to explain the source of my motivation: maybe because I m in love or maybe because I need love in my life. It really doesn’t matter, what matters is you and me and all web readers.
So for all who are looking for a nice word, a poem, a picture or maybe a love song to give for their loved ones this is the right place!
And for all who stopped believing in love this also the place because after you are done checking my blog you will start checking out your opposite sex trying to find a new love story!
All people are involved in this blog because all people know what love is and all people needs it, it’s the only thing you can give and take without selfishness.
I think that all web readers will benefit from my blog because every one need from time to time a little help in his relationship, an inspiration, a quote,a poem to make his partner happyier .
Following these steps I managed to finish my blog:
1- I went to this site: www.blogger.com to create a new blog and a new account.
2- I created my own google account by entering my email address and my password.
3- After retyping my password and displaying my name I had to do the test of word verification and then accept the terms of this site.
4- I named my blog and my blog address.
5- I chose a template and I started posting the content of my blog page.
6- I inserted a text and some pictures that I took from www.google.com.
7- I edited the header and the footer of my blog by adding a picture.(all this in settings-templates- add elements)
8- I have added news sponsored by google, Microsoft and apple.( templates/ page elements/add a page element/Newsreel)
9- I have added pictures and texts in the right colon.( templates/ page elements/add a page element/picture or text)
10- I also have added videos about love. (templates/page elements / add a page element/video bar)
11- I have added votes using www.pollcode.com and by copying a code into the html text.
12- I have added a link to another website that helps you calculate your love percentage using the html language.
13- I have added some details into my profile.( templates/page element/add a page element/profile)
14- I even changed the time (shown on the blog) by using: settings/ formatting.
15- I wrote my introduction to let the reader decide whether to continue reading or to stop.
I m done working on this project but I m doing another blog and it is specialized in diet and health food when I finish it I will send you another comment.
You can see my blog following this link: http://nancy-allaboutlove.blogspot.com/
Thank you for helping me expend my knowledge in the internet filed I have really learned a lot. Hoping that you will like my work, I will be always at your disposal on this email: nancy-sarkis87@hotmail.com.
Sincerely, Nancy SARKIS
Pregnancy can be an exciting and sometimes unpredictable time. In my blog you can find out what to expect from the symptoms, when to seek medical care, questions to ask the doctor, exams and tests, pregnancy treatment, self-care at home, medical treatment, follow-up, prevention to outlook.All these topics would be useful to every woman who needs help and advices. non pregnant women can profit reading the information just to be secure and conscious.
to create my blog i had to follow these steps:
1- i went into this site: www.blogger.com
2- i created my new google account so i could create my own blog
3-after creating my google account i signed up with a new blog
4-then i choosed my own wallpaper
5- i looked for some funny stories entering into google and discovering the following site: http://www.funs.co.uk/fs/main.htm
6- i've found some funny stories : America vs. Russia, A Day in Hell, 4 sons
7- after that, i looked in google for a special subject so i thought that Pregnancy no one would think about it that's why i had chosen it
8-so i made some searches about the topic in google and went into : http://www.emedicinehealth.com/pregnancy/ to get some information
9- i posted the information i got with the pictures i got from www.google.com
10-i added some personal information and my picture
11- i wrote an interesting introduction for my subject to seduce readers
doing this website had been useful especially that i have now the curiosity to discover things and sites settings by searching in every single option.
thanks Madame Sanaa for your help.
Please enjoy my blog: www.kristi--saad.blogspot.com
In our contemporain society, the economy plays an essential role in defining the level of development of an any country or group. However, in Lebnanon there is a main and weird situation, the people eventhough they suffer from a hard economic crisis are giving political issues the priority over all other problems including their own level of life... So, it's clear that the lebanese community shoul be awared about every step taken by all responsibles of economy status. That's why the idea of creating a blog concerning the problems facing the lebanese society and try to find solutions for each one of them, came into the execution phase.
All of that could not be possible to achieve without the great support and very important information that Mrs. Sanaa Hammoud gave to us. So, i thank YOU sincerly and wish that YOU will continue with us next year.
Thanks again and hope to enjoy my blog. YORGO BITTAR. blog: www.yorgobittarlive.blogspot.com
This blog was created to honor every father who spent each moment of his life loving, helping, supporting, and protecting his children. It also focuses on strengthening the father-child relationship.
Thereby, what I wanted to do is show that fathers have indispensable roles in their families that goes far beyond being the bank or the provider. I felt that there is an urge spot the lights on all the amazing qualities a father has. I believe that both fathers and their children can benefit from this blog .I begua working on this topic since the beginning of the semester however I have done the blog during this week.I used many resources from the net and I have the simplified steps given by the instructor so I haven’t encountered serious problems.
The steps I followed:
1-I accessed www.blogger.com
2-I set up an account
3-I named my blog and put in the URL name
4-I chose the template
In all the following steps I was inserting the text and the pictures as such:
I click on templates/add text/add picture/ browse
5- I inserted a picture of me with my daddy and included some personal information
6- I wrote a short introduction
7- I filled in the content
8- I added a link list for some helpful websites about fathering (templates/add a page element/ add a link list)
9- I added newsreel then I removed it for I thought it is not essential.( template/I selected it/remove element)
10-I put a video (template/add element/video/search/preview)
11- I included a survey I did it on www.pollcode.come(template/html/paste)
12- I checked that comments are allowed (settings/comments)
13- I added an advertisement on my blog (template/add element/Adsense)
Finally, I would like to thank you Dr. Hammoud for teaching us this new effective skill.
Manal Sarrouf
My address: www.dadmag.blogspot.com
By Mohammad Hatoun
Here are the steps for publishing my blog..
First of all I made this blog because it was required to as an assignment. I chose this topic since im interested in cars and driving them specially the luxuriest ones, so i chose Jaguar as a brand.I dedicate my blog to Jaguar lovers.
First i had to make a google account,then i had to choose a title for my blog then specify URL and selecting the suitable template. After that i went directly to posting my page which consists of informatin about the company and its various cars, in addition to posting photos of Jaguar cars. I filled the blog discription in the basics tabs but i added a Jaguar photo and make it over the desscription that didn't appear. Then I began to add page elements using the link that say (add pg element) and here's how every pg element was made:
1-Page header: I added a descpition and a car photo.
2-Link list:You have to write the URL then click add, i added 4 website to the blog
3-Poll:You may ask the question you want, I asked Why do you favor a jaguar?
4-Slide show:: I chose the key words related to my topic so it will show a slide show for the Jaguar cars
5-Text: I added a greeting here for my visitors
6-Newsreel: Automatically add current headlines from Google News to your blog, i added aldo Altvesta and A9 as news reference also
7-Video bar:I chose the keywords related to my blog so it'll show a video of my topic
8-At last i added the references and a photo to the footer of the page
After finshing from adding page elements I dragged them into order and saved my work .
And I kept the color and fonts on default.
الجامعة اللبنانية
كلية الإعلام والتوثيق
الفرع الأول
بإنشاء المدونة الالكترونية
الصحافة الالكترونية
د. سناء حمود
لينة عطوات
سنة ثالثة
صحافة مكتوبة
لقد تلقينا في الفصل السادس خلال هذه السنة الجامعية، مادة الصحافة الالكترونية إشراف الدكتورة سناء حمود. وكان من المفترض أن نقوم بإنشاء مدونة الكترونية خاصة بنا، ولقد قمت بذلك عبر محاولة متواضعة كانت بحاجة لكثير من التطوير، وكان بالامكان ذلك لو لم نكن في زخم أحداث السنة الأخيرة، إضافة إلى أنني مبتدئة في هذا الأمر ولم أعتمد فيه إلا على نفسي.
ما الذي أريد إنشاؤه؟
لطالما فضلت أن يكون لي موقع خاص بي وينقل بعض الأخبار الفلسطينية، وأتناقل مع الأفراد المهتمين بالقضية شؤونها.. وجاءت هذه المادة لتعزز وتكرس رغبتي، فكانت تجربة متواضعة في هذا المجال.
زد على ذلك، فمشروعنا التخرجي لهذه السنة عبارة عن مجلة، وبالنسبة لي ستكون فلسطينية، لذا ولمّا كنت أرغب بأن يكون لمجلتي المكتوبة موقع مرافق، ارتأيت أن أسمي مدونتي الالكترونية باسم مجلتي..."زيتونة".....
ما هي هذه المدونة؟
إذا كما أسلفنا أنها مدونة الكترونية تتناول قضايا فلسطينية لكل المهتمين، فتجمع أحلى وأهم الأخبار الفلسطينية من الوكالات المختلفة ضمن مدونة "زيتونة"، على أمل أن تنال الإعجاب..
كيف سيكون المنتوج؟
المنتوج الذي أتصوره هو جاذب بألوانه، جميل بإخراجه، مفيد بمواده.. لكن الواقع هو أن هذا الموقع كان جميلا بألوانه (ألوان العلم الفلسطيني)، مفيدا ومتنوعا بالعديد من مواده، لكن عملية الإخراج لم تكن برأيي كما يجب، وذلك ليس لضعف الحيلة إنما لضيق الوقت.
لماذا تريدين إنشاء المدونة؟
المدونة كما ذكرت سابقا مخطط قديم، أريد إنشاء المدونة لأن أبرز اهتماماتي وفكري في شغلي وفراغي هي اقضية الفلسطينية.
ما الأخطاء في معروضات اليوم، وكيف ستكون في الغد؟
في مدونتي والمدونات الأخرى عموماً أخطاء عديدة في الاخراج، وفي المواد وفي المواضيع الكبرى وفي العديد من القضايا التي من الطبيعي لها أن تتطور ولكن أيضا سيبقى هناك أخطاء في المستقبل وان كانت مختلفة عن أخطاء اليوم....
كيف أنشأت المدونة؟
لإنشاء المدونة كان لا بد من إنشاء بريد الكتروني على الـ Gmail ، من هنا أنشأت بريداً بعنوان: ombaker87@gmail.com وهو اسمي الحقيقي بالكنية.
ومن ثم دخلت إلى موقع www.blogger.com لإنشاء مدونة الكترونية جديدة.
بعد ذلك قمت بتعبئة الاستمارة المفروضة عليّ لإنشاء المدونة.
بعد إنشاء المدونة بدأت بتعبئتها ووضع المواد عليها.
من جهة إرسال تتم عملية إرسال الرسائل المترخة، ومن جهة التخطيط تتم إضافة عدة أشياء، من استطلاع الرأي، إلى الصور، فالعرض، والفيديو، أسماء مواقع مفضلة، وكتب مفضلة.... وهذا ما عمدت لوضعه في المدونة خاصتي بتنوع واضح، أتمنى أن يكون موفقا.
من شارك في العمل؟
لم يشاركني احد في هذا العمل، بل كان اعتمادا كليا على الذات، لذا قد يبدو الضعفب في بعض جوانب المدونة، ولن أقول كلها حتى لا أكون من المتشائمات.
من المستفيد؟
المستفيد من المشروع هو نفسي بالدرجة الأولى، وطبعا إلى كل من يطلع على المواقع والمدونات على اختلافها، وخصوصا أصاحب الاهتمامات المركزة لفلسطين والقضية.
متى ستبدئين؟
لقد بدأت بالفعل إنشاء مدونتي الالكترونية، وقمت بوضع كل ما يمكن وضعه داخل المدونة.
متى ستنهيه؟
لا أعتبر نفسي قد أنهيت مدونتي، أبدا، فأولا هي تتطور باستمراريتها، ومن ثم فهي أصلا تجربة متواضعة مخط لها أن تكون في الصدارة لاحقا إن شاء الله.
ما هي الحقبات التاريخية بشأن الموضوع؟
تنوعت تواريخ إرسال الرسائل للمدونة، كان آخرها السادس من حزيران 2008م، وذلك لضيق الوقت الذي لم تسمح به طبيعة العمل الذي أقوم به.
كم مصدرا احتجت؟
لم أحتج لمصادر عديدة أكثر من الجوجل
إذاً اليوم هذه المدونة بين أيدينا، نتمنى اقتراحاتكم ومواقفكم، علما أنني لم أتلق إلا تعليقا واحدا مجهول الهوية مقتضب الكلمات.
the life support on communication skills.With Dr Hammoud we learned a new age of elearning that it is not applied yet in the UL.
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