Dear Students,
apply the steps of thinking to create your blogs, then read well the instruction from the handout then read carefully the rubric .
DONT forget to send me the details of it and answer on those questions
good luck waiting for your reply
Students in my journalism classes are invited to express themselves and connect with others in a free platform accessible to all. It is an organic webfolio which documents our growth, achievements and challenges.
Don't forget that a Journalist: is a person without any ideas but with an ability to express them; a writer whose skill is improved by a deadline: the more time he has, the worse he writes.
It's easier to find a new audience than to write a new speech. spot on, writing is a difficult art . lets try together, learn from each other, and enjoy the ride. The great asset about teamwork is that you have more than yourself to depend on.
J'ai créé mon pour réaliser un but principal:les bébés.Ce blog donne des informations concernant les soins des bébés. Il s'avére interressant non seulement pour toute mère,mais pour tout Homme cherchant un coin d'innocence,de douceur.Pour créer ce blog,il fallait tout d'abord collecter les informationset les images de l'internet,les arranger dans un ordre adéquat et distribuer les images d'une façon artistique(ès,en se basant sur le site,j'ai ajouté un coin de vote pour les visiteurs du blog.Il fallait utiliser le langage html et l'insérr dans la page du blog.A droite de la page,une fenêtre de "News" a été insérée ,afin d'être toujours "up to date".Parmi les principales sites de sources qui enrichissent ce service,je cite Google,Apple...
Pour plus d'enrichissement,j'ai eu recours au site,pour tirer des info,des statistiques,des photos qui sont en rapport au sujet de mon blog.
espérons que ce blog vous plaiera.
My name is Aya Karam and my blog address is
and my e-mail is
Nelly Saysouk : my blog address is "",visit my blog and hope you will enjoy the tour. I put a little bit about me & my picture & a recipe (from ended the page with some useful links that you can count on whenever you need. This blog is created for everyone who uses the web. Hope you will like it.
The elections in general are a right for every person as we already know if it was parliamentary, presidential, or college elections…And as we are registered in the university we have this right.
According to me it's the first time I give my vote for the student board because I just don't believe their plans and projects they say they would do.
This year and although I still don't believe in them but I voted because my friend was one of the candidates and we share the same thoughts.
Rawia Aboulhosn
hello doctor, tonight i saw my self that i don't have anything to do, so i said to my self why not go around bloging, so it took the book and toke the link to this blog, and started messing around and going from place to place, from page to page until i did a blog page my self, just for fun, trying to find out what the blog can be useful other then write on a personal website,...
well the blog i did is
i know you don't like politics, but it was the only thing i thought of it now specially that i'm back from a festival related to 14 azar heheh
زينب أسعد – صحافة ثالثة – راديو تلفزيون -
إخترت هذا الموضوع لأن الحاج عماد رجل أخفته الأيام ليظهر بعد شهادته ذلك الرجل العظيم البطل الذي حير الأعداء لربع قرن , فلا بد من وقفة حق لهذا الرجل للتعرف عايه أكثر وعلى انجازته وحياته التي ختمها بالشهادة .
إن البلوغ موجه الى جميع أفراد المجتمع الشرفاء الذين يهتمون بمعرفة أحد قادة الانتصارات وعظماء الأمة الذين سيخلدهم التاريخ.
إتبعت الخطوات الأساسية اولاً : دخلت موقع www. . ضغطت create a blog , ثم حددت اسم blog و URL, ثم اخترت احدى النماذج لطريقة العرض , بعدها تظهر أمامي صفحة تسمى POSTING PAGE أكتب من خلالها النص الذي أريد ادراجه . وفي نفس الصفحة هناك ICON تساعد على ادراج فيلم الفيديو .
على نفس الصفحة الاساسية يوجد SETTING من خلال النقر عليها وضعت وصف البلوغ وتفاصيل عني . وكان هناك TAB اخرى تسمى LAYOUT وغيرت في بعض عناصر الصفحة بعد أن وجدت كلمة تشير PAGE ELEMENT من خلالها استطعت وضع التالي :
POLL : وهو سؤال الاستفتاء الذي وضعته عبر الضغط على ICON POLL من صفحة PAGE ELEMENT .
SLIDESHOW: وضعت في خانة KEYWORD الكلمة التي تناسب موضوعي . فحصلت على الصور. و حفظّتها .
الصورة : أضفت صورة الحج عماد و كتبت في خانة CAPTION تعريف عنه .
خانة الأخبار : في صفحة ال PAGE ELEMENT أيقونة للأخبار . إخترت الموضوع و حصلت على الأخبار
ADsense: أبضاً في page element تجد هذه الميزة .
بعدها نظمت ترتيب العناصر و حفّظت عملي . بعدها ألقيت نظرو على blog .
Hanan Khaled,
Faculty of Media and Documentation (first branch)
This life has got its hold on us, most of the time we feel that we have a lot of work that there's not enough time in the day to finish everything. We feel stressed and annoyed by all the demands that we need to get done and mostly we begin to feel unhappy and uncomfortable with the way things are going. Feeling unhappy is the reason for having one of those days that you think your world has turned upside down.
All this influence our minds and might even affect our health, and we all just need a moment to stop and stare about things around us, to clear our minds and become more aware of our inner selves; to get connected with who we really are and have a break from what's hassling us and resulting in making us more angry, anxious and worried.
Meditation is a practice or a way that can help everyone find some peace and quiet, it can make a person more focused and less stressed, so one can focus on getting the job done instead of making his/her mind wander to other things.
This blog is for everyone, anyone needs a time where they can just relax and forget everything around. I think everyone will be able to benefit from my blog because this modern life made us like robots and we all need some time away, to forget what's bothering us and get started again with a fresh mind and soul, more focused and determined to be better and over come the worst. I nearly finished working on it.
I began my blog by opening an account at through my gmail account, afterwards I logged in chose a theme and a name for my blog then started editing my profile, where I wrote a brief description about me, then I chose a picture that I found suitable for the blog's theme (from google images).
On the side bar I added a text which is a quote by Yogananda about meditation, I also added a pole asking if people do meditate, and blog archives, a video bar powered by and a picture titled Integrated body-mind meditation (I also added a link to them picture, so when clicking on it the viewer can go directly to the source of it).
In the end I added some links I thought viewers of my blog might find useful.
At the end of the blog there's a Chakra Meditation video I added from youtube.
I wrote on my own the text by referencing to other websites that are specialized to teach "how to meditate". My sources are:
The "8 Important Points for Keeping Your Meditation Practice on Track" I got from:
I really learned a lot about the internet that I didn't even know it existed, thank you.
I made this blog in the first place because it was my home work . I chose this topic because Iam a new mother and I think every new parent needs some advice . I address this blog to the new parents or to those expecting (pregnant).
I began with the blog the way DR. Sanaa taught us naming the blog specifieng the URl and chosing the template . After that I was automatically directed to the posting page.In my first post I added some experience I earned from my baby and I address it to all parents . I found it nice to share the photos of my baby in the posts, by clicking on the add video icon I uploaded a movie I made on the windows movie maker .I noticed the settings tab and knew that it must be important I clicked on it and wrote. I filled up the blog description in the basics tab and moved to the formatting tab where I changed the formats as the desired shape and shuffled between the rest of the tabs but I didn’t change any thing and left them on default . At last I entered the layouts tab and I edited the page elements that I found them added previously , then I began to add page elements using the link that say ( add page elements ) now I will talk for every page element alone :
1_Slide show : I chose the key words related to my topic so it will show a slide show for babies as example and then save
2_Poll : you can ask any question you want . I asked < did you found the information useful ?> and you should write answers and then save
3_Link list : its easy I wrote the site name and the URL and clicked add. I added 10 websites to the blog that are the top 10
4_Picture : I added a picture for me under the about me element and another for my baby
5_AdSense: I added this page element to improve the look of my blog so it maybe more professional .
6_HTML/JAVA script : I used a little help from my sister she told me how to make the marquee. I wrote marquee by zeinab traboulsi dedicated to Hassan marquee.
7_Page header : I added only the blog description and title only that’s it .
After finshing from adding page elements I dragged them into order and saved my work . then I viewed my blog .
And I kept the color and fonts on default.
hi dr kifik?
ana farah shall
Faculty of Media and Documentation (1)
hayda my blog plz fiki tshefili yeh ba3rf ba3d ma 5eles w ba3d bido shi8il bass really mabsouta fi 3ashen ma knt 2a3rf 2a3mlo w t3alamt w 7ewalt w zabat m3 ino basit ktir
plz shefili yeh w 7itili comment w l7 dal zabt fi ba3d ma 5alasto
10x w mneshkriki 3l majhoud li 3m ta3mli ma3na
hello, Im Abdel Ghani Hachem , 3rd year radio tv-first branch.
to create my blog ( I did these steps:
1-I accessed
2-I set up an account
3-I named my blog and put in the URL name
4-I choose the template
5-I click on templates/add text/add pic/browse
6-I inserted a photo of me
7-I wrote an intro
8-I filled the content
9-I survey
10-I checked comments and voting.
Hello Professor its Hanadi Chami LU1 Radio TV.
I created the blog: myfirststeptojournalism. However my blog is blocked at the meantime because they thought it was a spam! Anyway I contacted them to unlock it and they said they will otherwise I would have to repeat the work all over again!!!
I already have a Google account so the first step was creating a blog. I followed the steps listed and created the blog. My blog is contains my first experience in journalism. My blog has a bit of everything in it. My First Step to Journalism is targeted towards students of our career and it will later be evolved to orient the students to how to leave a print in the career. And since I enjoy issues related to women anatomy I added to my blog some links to sites that might catch the interests of women. The blog contains some information about me and my interests. Hope you’ll enjoy surfing my blog!when its unlocked:(
Rima Tarabay
Presse Radio Television
Uni. Libanaise_branche 1
Troisième année
En tant que nous vivons en pays comme le LIBAN, je crois qu’il mérite de le donner une espace de vie, d’ésprit, de fidélité et de liberté.. l’inoubliable période que nous avons vécu dès l’assasinat du president Rafic Hariri on a besoin de limiter les messages politiques, surtout entre nous les jeunes.
Il est indispensable de découvrir l’autre côté de ce pays, côté que Jubran Khalil Jubran a trouvé, côté que Jubran Tuini a décrit et autres..
En fait, voici mon blog que j’ai insisté de le créer pour contacter avec mes amis et les jeunes librement sans honte et sans agressivité:
les principales étapes que j’ai suivies pour créer mon blog:
1-j’ai accédé à, puis: créer un google account
2-j’ai creé un google account:, avec le “password”
3-j’ai nommé mon blog: lebanesco, en utilisant le nom URL suivant:
4-j’ai choisi un “template” convenable: thiseway blue.
5- en accédant à “settings”, j’ai ajouté la description du mon blog pour l’offrir à mes visiteurs:
Spot light
our “deal”
Sometimes youth students have something to SAY, you can COMMUNICATE and EXPRESS your self,we invite you to COMMENT at our free space!
6-j’ai édité mon profil en y ajoutant une image de mon ordinateur:
Share my profile Your profile will not be shown if it is not shared.
About Me Show on this blog
Location Show on this blog
7- j’ai ajouté trois articles en cliquant sur “customize” puis “posting” ensuite “add post” ayant les titres suivants:
المخيم الجديد: دمارٌ وشتاءٌ وخطرٌ يستقبل العائدين...
نازحون عيونهم على العودة ويومياتهم مأساوية ...
جسدها المرض والعجز حتى ألتهمه تحتاج يومي. عجوز عشق..
الأموات. جيران..
8-j’ai mis des images aux articles..
9-avec “customize” j’ai choisi: edit a page element, puis polling. j’ai publié le “poll” suivant:
هل تعتقد أن تشكيل الحكومة الجديدة سيطلق الرصاصة الأولى على اتفاق الدوحة؟
10-Avec le même service de customise j’ai cliqué sur: choisir des: favourite websites:
11_ avec configure javascript HTML, j’ai ajouté un slideshow nommé: look at LEBANON, créé en autre web specifique pour les slideshows
12_ Ensuite et avec posting j’ai ajouté un autre slideshow pour le journalist Jubran Tuini.
13_ j’ai edité deux photos caricaturistes du web.
14_après avoir cliquer sur customise, j’ai choisi spot light header et un photo de l’ordinateur pour jubran Tuini.
15_ nottant que à settings il y a des changements que vous devez le faire comme: publishing, formatting, comments, archiving, open id, site feed, email, permissions.
Et encore il y en a après cliquer customise :edit HTML, fonts and colours et choose new template, et tous ça vous pouvez les changer et editer.
16_j’ai recu des commentaries de mes amies de l’uni.:
rania sanjar said...
very very very nice blog rima. the features are so nice. i liked your style of writing; in addition to the template which is suitable to you blog's topic.
keep walking...
June 2, 2008 11:53 AM
fatima sh3ayto said...
i wish you a great future in the journalism.i liked the picture of ra2is tawafo2i!
17_ j’ai encore commenter trios blog de mes amis et voila les commentaries:
_ To Malak Najem:
it's very nice ad funny. i need to listen fairuz now realy@! keep walking baby and good luck in yr exam. i'm waiting for yr comment on my blog
_ To Fatima Ch3ayto:
_ To Nisreen Nasser:
nisreen bi3a2ed yr blog ktir mahdoum metlik..bas habibi nasaytini rni b lebnen kello de7ek de7ek!
Maman, Je vous remercie pour ce cours très intéressant et pour votre esprit extraordinaire de creativité.
It's me Jana Rahal from the lebanese university,first branch(written journalism)
This blog holds my name because it doesnt have one theme or's a bit of everything.
It contains articles I wrote or written by others.
I am doing this blog to let people know me better and know what I like. Everyone is addressed in my blog and everyone will be able to benefit from it. The blog is nearly done.
I started my blog by opening a Google email. Via the Gmail;I created an account on Then, I chose my blog name, its themes and template. Afterwards, I edited my profile by writing information about me.
On the right side, I added a photo and a blog archive. Also, I posted a poll asking people’s opinion about my blog and I added links.I uploaded two videos about Graffiti through html.
I had a real benefit from this because I now know what a blog is and how I can make one. I found out that it’s not that difficult to create a blog.
thank you..
hello, Im Abdel Ghani Hachem , 3rd year radio tv-first branch.
to create my blog ( I did these steps:
1-I accessed
2-I set up an account
3-I named my blog and put in the URL name
4-I choose the template
5-I click on templates/add text/add pic/browse
6-I inserted a photo of me
7-I wrote an intro
8-I filled the content
9-I survey
10-I checked comments and voting.
رويدا مروه – سنة ثالثة اذاعة وتلفزيون –الجامعة اللبنانية – الفرع الأول-2008
الخطوات التي تمّ إتباعها لتنفيذ ال BLOG التالي:
-1- إختيار عنوان إلكتروني على ال G-MAIL
-2- الدخول على الموقع التالي:
-3- إختيار اسم لل BLOG
-5- كتابة شعار ورسالة هذا ال BLOG للتعريف بالهدف الذي تم ّ إعداد هذا ال BLOG
من أجله.
-6- تعديل الملف الخاص بالمعلومات عن صاحب ال
BLOG ووضع صورة خاصة بي ،ومن ثمّ تنزيل عدد من المقالات الصادرة في عدد من الجرائد العربية من تأليف صاحب ال BLOG وعدد آخر من المقالات لكتّاب آخرين(النهار.....)
ملاحظة : تمّ تنزيل الملفات من Microsoft word documents
وتمّ اختيار الخط واللوم والمساحة المناسبة لكل مقال ليظهر للقارئ أثنائ تصفحه لل blog
-6- تنزيل فيديو خاص بإقفال طريق الناعمة – صيدا أثناء أحداث 7 أيار الأخيرة حيث تمّ تصوير هذا المقطع بواسطة الهاتف المحمول لإظهار حالة الرعب والفزع التي حصلت لعدد من النساء والفتيات اللواتي كنّا متواجدا داخل باص للنقل العام في ذلك اليوم وكنت أنا برفقتهم حيث تعرّضت النساء للترهيب من قبل العناصر الملّثمة.
في الختام فإن الدخول الى الموقع سيكون أكبر دعم لرسالتي
والدعم الأكبر هو ذلك الذي أخذناه منك د. سناء حمود عندما أضفت الى معارفنا وتجاربنا الشخصية والمهنية هذه المادة الدراسية القيّمة بأسلوبك وأدائك الرائع.
Hanadi Chami LU1 Radio TV.
hey professor! here is my blog domain: myfirststeptojournalism
Hello Dr.Sanaa its Tania Wehbe LU1 3rd year Radio and TV.
I began my blog by opening an account at through my gmail account,then I created my blog( I logged in to choose a theme and a name for my blog then started editing my profile.i followed these steps:
1-I accessed
2-I set up an account
3-I named my blog and put in the URL name
4-I choose a template.The default Blogger templates contain the tags necessary to display the titles i create.
5-I click on templates then I click on next add pictures and video then browse
5-I filled the content
My blog is about “drive safely”,it is to enlightenment the people about how to be safe on roads.The everyday dangers that we all face each and every time we get out on the open road is a long list indeed.Here are just a few that come to mind:carelessness of others,road rage,young adults still learning the techniques,people who attempt to multitask while driving,people who have improperly maintained vechicles : breakdowns.Poor weather conditions:rain,sleet,snow,ice.
After I posted texts, I searched on images and videos about how to avoid car accidents and to drive safely then I published them.
I put the poll (multiple choice) by choosing it from the page element.
J'ai créé mon blog pour exposer mes recherches pendant mes années universitaires. Mon objectif est de présenter à mes professeurs et à mes amies ma façon de penser à travers les sujets que j'avais choisis pour les recherches. Je crois que la selection qu'on fasse pour tel ou tel sujet reflette notre façon de penser et notre appréciation de choses.
Ce blog formera un point de depart de ma façon de communiquer mes idées et au fur et à mesure il rassemblera tous mes futurs projets.
Hello, I am Diana Badawy, third year radio/tv in Lebanese University,faculty I.
My blog's address is:
I created this blog because i think that it's very important that a journalist has access to the internet where he/she can write freely.In addition to that, it's quite interesting that one can upload news,pictures,videos..and share them with family and friends.
In order to create the blog, I:
1) created a google account
2) went to
3) put a blog title and blog url
4) chose a template
5) uploaded my profile picture
6) started publishing my posts pictures,quotes..I wanted to upload a video but an error kept occuring I don't know why!
I chose this name for my blog because I concentrated on what I've done throughout my three years in the Lebanese University. I thought of the blog as a diary where i keep record of my daily practices.
I'll keep adding more posts in the upcoming days,hope u'd check them out.Thanks.
Rana Wazir,third year-Radio and
My blog is about my dream to be a journalist and how im developing it. it's all about me, my training,project,university life...
i chose this topic since it shows the real me and reflects my personality and my interest.i didn't choose any other topic related to popular celebrities because i don't want to just search for information and copy them but i want to work on my abilities and my own information.
1-i already have a google account so i entered and entered my google account.
2-I named my blog and put in the URL name
3-I chose the template( pink)
4-i edited my profile-put some information about me-tagged a photo of me
5-new post- i write then post picture.
6-i put 5 posts-all with picture and only one video.
7-i put a poll through page element.
Hi Dr.Sanaa I'm Nadine Dimassi. I'm Sending you This comment to See my blog and write your comments. The Blog Is
My blog is mainly concerned with environmental issues and i think that our earth really deserves a voice and we must hear it.
This blog is created in the course Electronic journalism with dr. Sanna Hammoud. I dedicate this work for her and for all who believe in our earth as our only home. The earth that pepole are destoying deserves to have a voice. So Let's Here it
I'm Nadine from saida south lebanon. I study Journalism and I'll graduate this year. I'm greatly concerned with environmental issues and i believe that our earth is an endowment that god gave us and it is our responsibility to take care of it and "KEEP IT GREEN".
Steps that I follwed:
I made a google account
I accessed www. blogger .com
I entered with my g mail.
naming the blog
specifieng the URl
I choose a template.
I Started posting.
I posted text, pictures,. (Posting- choose what I want to post)
I added page elements.( Customize add a page element)
add page elements
*Slide show : I chose the key words related to my topic so it will show a slide show for environment.
*Poll : I asked When do you think the consequences of global warming will start to show?
*Picture : I added several pictures for each article as well as karekature. my work . then I viewed my blog .
I changed fonts and colors.( Customize – fonts and colors)
Dr. Sanaa i'm glad that u liked my blog :D i'll keep updating it and off course i'll keep what we learned with you in mind :D
And please keep posting on your blog important things as u always do!
God Bless You
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